My next work is a piano trio (violin, cello, and piano) called “Payne Hollow,” premiering on February 25, 2025 at the Filson Historical Society in conjunction with the launch of “Driftwood: The Life of Harlan Hubbard” by Jessica K. Whitehead. Jessica provided the impetus for the trio, along with tirelessly advocating to funders and those interested in the Hubbards’ story.

Harlan and his wife Anna lived off the land (similar to Wendell and Tanya Berry, who were also friends), next to the Ohio River in a house they built for themselves, devoting to a life free from the conveniences and ease of modern life in the mid-twentieth century. They were musicians: she played piano and cello, he played violin.

Jessica and I talked about the new work, the process, and how this work fits into my body of work.

And here are some pictures from my recent visit to Payne Hollow…